MovieLovers for Android
MovieLovers is an Android app for movie and TV show discovery, searching and watching trailers.
The accent of the app is Material Design with a lot of attention to detail and UX.
Unidirectional reactive architecture based on Mosby-MVI .
Separated Data/Domain/Presentation layers and fully immutable models.
Consuming RESTful web services, pagination, disk and memory caching, full state restoration.
Can operate fully offline with connectivity alerts.
Using nested RecyclerView
s with layout performance optimizations via shared RecyclerView
pools, image preloading and more.
Heavy use of custom-crafted animations, transitions and other visual effects.
Gesture navigation.
Available for free at:
Details Screen
Not a details screen but a flow of detail screens!
This somewhat non-standard solution allows for direct jump to the next item with a simple horizontal swipe.
User is able to explore a great amount of detailed info without the hassle of back-and-forth click navigation.
Collapsible toolbar layout with dynamic adaptation of the contents.
Background loading of next/previous pages and additional detailed info.
Palette generated from the each movie poster.
Animated image slideshow with “Ken Burns” effect (see the backdrop header view).
Feed Screen
Responsive fullscreen grid view with animated gradual appearance of the items. Shared element transitions on item click. Loading with endless pagination.
Home Screen
with multiple nested lists like in the Play Store app. Each nested list has endless pagination. All views work with state restoration. Loading failures are handled with a retry button appropriately.
Search Screen
Multi-type search with debouncing of the search results.
Details Screen
Not a details screen but a flow of detail screens!
This somewhat non-standard solution allows for direct jump to the next item with a simple horizontal swipe.
User is able to explore a great amount of detailed info without the hassle of back-and-forth click navigation.
Collapsible toolbar layout with dynamic adaptation of the contents.
Background loading of next/previous pages and additional detailed info.
Palette generated from the each movie poster.
Animated image slideshow with “Ken Burns” effect (see the backdrop header view).
Feed Screen
Responsive fullscreen grid view with animated gradual appearance of the items. Shared element transitions on item click. Loading with endless pagination.
Home Screen
with multiple nested lists like in the Play Store app. Each nested list has endless pagination. All views work with state restoration. Loading failures are handled with a retry button appropriately.
Search Screen
Multi-type search with debouncing of the search results.
Navigate with arrow keys